
Marin Drywall recognizes and respects the privacy rights of users of this site. In general, we do not collect personally identifiable information about individuals using this site, and you may visit this site without revealing who you are or disclosing personal information about yourself.

If you voluntarily provide us with information, Marin Drywall may store and disclose this information only as allowed or required by law, including by making disclosures which we believe are necessary to: (i) preserve or protect the rights, safety or property of Marin Drywall or others; or (b) comply with applicable law.

We do not sell, rent or trade your personal information but may collect and/or provide aggregate statistics about this site and users to others. However, even though we do not sell, rent or trade your personal information, you should be aware that if you transmit information to Marin Drywall through the Internet, Marin Drywall cannot promise or ensure that such information will remain confidential or secure.

This site may contains links to other websites. Because Marin Drywall does not control the privacy policies of any linked sites, this Privacy Policy applies to this site only.